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User Resource Library
The following resources are designed to keep you informed about the latest changes in healthcare, improve workflow efficiencies and enhance patient engagement across a multitude of NextGen certified products.
For questions about the content provided below, contact info@tsihealthcare.com.
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Maximizing Use of New Modules: Direct Messaging
Direct Messaging transformss your referral and transition of care process by securely exchanging clinical data faster and easier than ever before.
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Maximizing Use of New Modules:Â Patient Portal
Patient Portal, a requirement for Meaningful Use, helps you easily meet online patient engagement objectives.
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Maximizing Use of NextGen EHR
Maximize your EHR with tips and tricks that you don’t do today, but should.
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Maximizing Use of NextGen PM
Maximize your PM with tips and tricks that you don’t do today, but should.
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NextGen PM Best Practices
Enhance  your PM with tips and tricks that you do today, but could do better.
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Building A Razor Sharp Revenue Cycle Strategy
Identify basic principles within your practice that, when properly followed either by your billing staff or your RCM services provider, will enable you to get better medical revenue cycle results.
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The Future of Healthcare
Learn more about the latest regarding MACRA (Medicare Access & CHIP Reauthorization Act), the New Quality Payment Program.
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Technology for the Future:
Learn about products and services designed to keep you ahead of curve with federal regulations while increasing productivity, efficiency, connectivity, and patient engagement.
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The information contained on this site does not necessarily represent the views of TSI Healthcare (TSI). The information contained herein is considered private and confidential material of the respectful author/owner and is protected by US and International trade secrecy, copyright, and trademark laws. Any duplication, dissemination, or redistribution of the document or and of its contents without prior written consent by the author is strictly prohibited.
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Failure to meet regulatory requirements or failure to implement and utilize the necessary technology will impact eligibility, may result in missed incentives and/or penalties. TSI Healthcare (TSI) attempts to provide basic guidance of current policy, CMS guidelines, and NextGen documentation. TSI does not present findings or guidance as expert advice regarding federal policies, their requirements, data collection methods, or reporting guidelines. Quality Program requirements and other incentives programs are defined by the various agencies and offices of the US Federal Government and are subject to change. As guidelines change, NextGen’s approach and TSI’s guidance may also be adjusted without notice. TSI does not administer incentive payments, guarantee eligibility, or guarantee the accuracy of analysis and any statements about the program. TSI Healthcare and the NextGen® family of products and services can only provide the tools to achieve these requirements; however the responsibility remains on the provider to achieve, correctly collect data, maintain documentation, and report on each measurement. Should the provider have any questions as to the interpretation of MACRA, ARRA, the HITECH Act or other relevant rules, regulation or incentive programs, and/or their application to the specific practice, the provider should contact the appropriate government agency directly.
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