Connie’s Regulatory Assistance Success Story

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Problem: Federal Policy Assistance

“There are a lot of changes coming with the new MIPS and MACRA programs for Medicare, and there is no way I could possibly stay on top of it and run a medical practice.”

Solution: TSI Healthcare

“We rely very heavily on the Government Regulations team at TSI Healthcare. Our practice greatly benefits from their knowledge about MACRA. They stay on top of the changes and help us navigate them.”

By The Numbers:
· 3,600 Hours of Guided Federal Policy Assistance
· 450 LIVE Training Sessions
· 96% Attestation Rate

[sf_button colour=”accent” type=”standard” size=”standard” link=”” target=”_self” icon=”” dropshadow=”no” extraclass=””]I Want Expert Federal Policy Guidance[/sf_button]

Hear From Your Peer

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